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UK: Labour MP murdered. English Bishops, “our society has lost a fervent servant of the common good”

“Jo Cox MP Requiescat in pace”. The English Bishops too, like all the population of the United Kingdom, are in shock for the death of Helen Joanne Cox, the 41-year-old MP stabbed and shot to death in Birstall, near Leeds, Yorkshire, yesterday. Rescued in critical conditions, she died shortly afterwards. A 52-year-old British man, Tommy Mair, was arrested. According to the British media, the murderer shouted a nationalist slogan. “We are deeply grieved and shocked – the Bishops write – at the death of Jo Cox. Our society has lost a fervent servant of the common good”. An opponent of Brexit, the Labour MP had been dealing with the problems of the weak and the reception of Syrian refugees. “Her life – the English Bishops recall – touched many other people’s lives, and now we share a deep sense of loss at her death”. Then, the Bishops ensure all of the Catholic community of England and Wales will pray for “Jo, her husband Brendan, and her family”. The Bishop of Leeds, Marcus Stock, joins the grief for what happened in his city and asked the devotees to pray for the MP and for the person who was injured during the attack.

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