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Ramadan: message from the Holy See, “Christians and Muslims called to mutual forgiveness and mercy”

“We, Christians and Muslims, are called to do all we can to imitate God. He, the Merciful, asks us to be merciful and compassionate to each other, especially to those who are in any need. Likewise, He calls us to forgive each other”. Mercy is the topic that takes centre stage in the message of good wishes that the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue is sending to Muslims all over the world this year, for the month of Ramadan – started around June 6th – and the final feast of ‘Id al-Fitr 1437 H. / 2016 A.D., which falls around July 5th. “Christians and Muslims: recipients and instruments of God’s Mercy”, this is the title of the message, signed by the president, cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, and by the secretary of the Ministry, monsignor Miguel Ángel Ayuso Guixot. “According to a favourite habit – the message reads – on the occasion we would like to share some reflections with you, hoping to strengthen the spiritual bonds that we share” through a “theme that both Muslims and Christians have at heart”, that is, mercy: “Your pilgrimage (hajj) to the Holy Places, mainly Mecca and Medina, is certainly a favourable time to experience God’s mercy. Actually, one of the best-known wishes that are made to Muslim pilgrims is ‘I wish you a blessed pilgrimage, praiseworthy results and forgiveness for your sins”. Going on a pilgrimage to get God’s forgiveness for the sins of the living and dead is truly an extremely important ritual for believers”.

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