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Pope Francis: to Pontifical Council for the Laity, “new era” of movements and “increasing role of women”. “Inspiring the faithful”

“A new era which, alongside lay associations with a long and respected history, has seen the emergence of many movements and new communities of great missionary zeal; movements that you have followed in their development, that you have accompanied with dedication, and that you have assisted in the delicate phase of the legal recognition of their statutes”. This is one of the “fruits” of the 50 years of activity of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, established by Pope Paul VI at the express request of the Council, Pope Francis recalled as he received in audience its members today. “The appearance of new lay ministries, to which many apostolic activities have been entrusted”, and the “increasing role of women in the Church, with their presence, sensitivity, and gifts”, are the other “fruits” mentioned by Pope Francis, alongside the “creation of World Youth Days, a providential gesture of St John Paul II and an instrument of evangelisation of the new generations which you support with great commitment and care”. “The mandate that you have received from the Council – the Pope recalled – is to ‘inspire’ the lay faithful to take an ever more active role in the evangelising mission of the Church, not because they are ‘delegated’ by the hierarchy, but because their apostolate is a participation in the salvific mission of the Church, to which they are commissioned by the Lord Himself through their Baptism and Confirmation”, as stated in the Lumen Gentium. “The activities of the Church are always addressed to the faces, minds and hearts of concrete people”, Pope Francis remarked, recalling “all those who have worked with passion and dedication in supporting, promoting and coordinating the life and apostolate of the laity over the past years”, including Karol Wojtyla himself, who “has followed this Dicastery with interest and farsightedness since its first steps”.

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