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Brexit: Archbishop Justin Welby, “I’ll vote to stay in the EU”

“As far as I am concerned, based on what I have said and what I have experienced, I will vote to stay”. This is the statement made by the archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, spiritual leader of the Anglican Communion, about the way he will vote at the Referendum on 23rd June, which will establish whether England will stay in or leave the European Union. In an article published yesterday on the front page of the Mail on Sunday, Welby writes that, with the referendum of 23rd June, the English will be called to make a choice that “will change the lives of all of us and those of the future generations”. “This referendum – he then added – sounds important to me, because it is asking the English what kind of Nation we want to be, for ourselves and for the world”. “Economy is extremely important, so is migration, but they are not everything, as they are the signs of the values we have”. In specifying that there is no official guideline from the Church about how to vote, in his article Welby went over the history of the European Union and its most important mission just after WWII: promoting peace and reconciliation to “be builders of peace, not of barriers”.

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