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Dialogue and peace: Astana (Kazakhstan), conference “Religions against terrorism”. Eradicating poverty and violence

“We welcome the meeting between Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church and Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia, which showed the religious leaders’ will to put aside all their differences and start a dialogue in the name of peace. We support the appeal for a global and shared fight against terrorism by the leaders of the two main Churches. We recognise the importance of the meeting between Pope Francis and the Supreme Imam of the Islamic University Al-Azhar Ahmed El-Tayeb for the promotion of dialogue between religious communities”. This is written in a Statement that comes from the international conference “Religions against terrorism” ending in Astana (Kazakhstan) today, attended by religious and political guests from all over the world. Card. Josef Tomko led the Catholic delegation. The 28 points of the statement firmly condemn any form of terrorism and violent extremism, especially when “behind the pretext of a religious message it breaches rights and freedoms”, they express solidarity with the “sufferings of the religious communities in some parts of the world”, the effort to “eradicate the sources of terrorism, including poverty, hunger, unemployment, instability and conflict”. Women and families have a “special role in educating young people”, “increasingly vulnerable to extremist ideologies”, in the battle against such ideologies.

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