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Germany: Evangelical Church, calendar ready for the 500th anniversary of the Reform. Wittemberg at the heart of the initiative

The official calendar of the German Evangelical Church (Ekd) for the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reform, which is symbolically taken to start on 31st October 1517, when Martin Luther posted the 95 theses with which he rejected the Catholic practice of indulgence on the doors of Wittemberg Cathedral, is ready. A grand ceremony will take place in Berlin on 31st October, while on 20th May 2017 an “international exhibition of the Reform”, which will showcase the results of the Reform in other regions and Churches across the world, as well as in culture and society, will be unveiled in Wittemberg and its surroundings. A youth camp will be set up so that young people may express what they understand and experience about the Reform through music, cinema, worship, prayer and sharing. On 24th-28th May, the traditional biennial meeting of the “kirchentag” will be held in Berlin, Wittemberg and another 8 German cities, all at the same time: it will be a “travelling kirchentag”, with an ending that will bring everyone to Wittemberg on 28th May. The Ekd, which has got ready for this anniversary with a process of reflection since 2008, has formed a network of 69 cities of the Reform in Germany and in Europe, places that are important for the history or current life of Protestantism. The celebrations will end on 31st October 2017, nationally and internationally, with a number of public ceremonies. The ecumenical calendar of events for the anniversary offers plenty of choices too.

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