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Pope Francis: message to participants in European Prison Chaplains’ Meeting in Strasbourg

“His Holiness Pope Francis has been glad to learn about the European meeting of prison chaplains, called ‘Radicalisation in prisons: a pastoral view’”, which is taking place at the Council of Europe, in Strasbourg, from this afternoon to June 1st. This has been written by cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, to Ccee and to the promoters of the meeting. “Along with our praise for the Council of European Bishops Conferences, the International Committee of prison pastoral care, and the Permanent Mission of the Holy See for organising this important event, the Holy Father sends his friendly greetings to all participants. In particular, he wishes to ensure all those who serve the prison communities of his solidarity in his prayers and his deep gratitude for their efforts in defending the human dignity of all those who are in jail”. The message goes on: “Likewise, Pope Francis also thanks the prison chaplains for assisting convicts in fruitfully celebrating the Jubilee Year of Mercy”.
At this point, card. Parolin mentions the “Letter with which indulgence is granted for the special Jubilee of Mercy dated September 1st 2015: “In prison chapels, they can be granted indulgence, and every time they pass through the door of their cells, directing their thoughts and their prayers to the Father, may this gesture mean their crossing of the Holy Door, because God’s mercy, which can change hearts, can also change the bars into an experience of freedom”. “With these sentiments, Pope Francis warmly invokes the divine blessings of peace and joy on you and on all those who are gathered with you”.

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