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Germany: Card. Marx alt Katholikentag, “importing the whole force of the Gospel into society”

The 100th Katholikentag – German Catholics’ Days – ended on Sunday, May 29th, with Eucharist on Augustusplatz, in central Leipzig. Twenty-five thousand devotees gathered with the five bishops of Eastern Germany for Mass, officiated by cardinal Reinhard Marx, president of the German Bishops Conference (Dbk), who in his sermon asked for an asylum policy based on human rights. For Christians, “it is the Gospel that gives the principles, which cannot be sidestepped”: Europe should not be a fortress, doing nothing when thousands of people suffer along the borders or drown. “None can be rejected and sent back to war and persecution”, Marx said. Every refugee is entitled to a fair asylum procedure and a human treatment. “For Christians, this is about the announcement of God’s all-inclusive mercy – the cardinal said –. We must import the whole force of the Gospel into society”. The cardinal thanked the diocese of Dresden-Meissen and the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK) for the Katholikentag days. The event was a success, with 34 thousand permanent participants and 6 thousand visitors a day. Speaking of the low proportion of Catholics in Leipzig (just 4% of the population), the president of ZdK, Thomas Sternberg, thanked the locals and above all Christians in East Germany for their hospitality: “Thanks for your testimony”.

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