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Migration: mgr. Angelo Massafra (Albania), “we make an appeal: stop the war”

Stopping arms trafficking, stopping the war, stopping the big multinationals that exploit the poor countries. In other words, “taking the fate of people and peoples seriously”. It was said by monsignor Angelo Massafra, archbishop of Shkoder-Pult and deputy president of the Council of European Bishops Conferences. The presidency of Ccee was given audience by Pope Francis yesterday morning: “When I saw him – monsignor Massafra told the press at a press conference today – I said to him: ‘It was good of you to go to Lesbo and, with the Orthodox Churches and Patriarch Bartholomew, to meet the people by going there, where peoples suffer. And there, the Pope condemned arms trafficking again”. So, challenged with the refugee crisis in Europe, the Churches respond by making “an appeal to peace, by repeating today – the bishop of Shkoder recalls – the cry of that Syrian young man who asked: ‘stop the war, because that’s the only way we can stay in Syria’”. Monsignor Massafra also makes an appeal to the multinationals, to stop “exploiting the poorest nations of the world with nothing in return”.

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