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Austria: Brandstetter (Catholic Action, KaÖ), “Saying one’s Christian and then trampling on the values of Christianity is outrageous”

Harsh criticism to the second-ballot presidential campaign carried out by the nominee of the xenophobic, extreme right Freedom Party (FpÖ), Norbert Hofer, who styles himself as a supporter of Catholic orthodoxy, comes from Catholic Action (KaÖ) of Upper Austria. “Someone saying he is a supporter of Christian culture and then trampling on those very values is outrageous”, Bert Brandstetter, president of the local KaÖ, stated in a written note. According to Brandstetter, “Christianity may be abused by anyone, but no political party can make comparisons and instil fear of Muslim refugees in people’s souls”. Those who confide in Christian values must also support tolerance, charity and solidarity with the weaker ones, and FpÖ, according to the president of Catholic Action, certainly “is giving no guarantee of a peaceful and respectful cohabitation”. The Catholic theologian of Innsbruck, Christian Bauer, too negatively judged the situation by pointing out, in the theology website, that “theology must oppose to right-wing populism”: and, while it is true that right wing parties are on the rise, a theology built on prejudice too would produce a society “in which reason, freedom, fraternity are neglected”, because, “in a politically short-sighted world, history is forgotten”.

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