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Germany: prayers, peace witnesses and rediscovery of one’s history at the Katholikentag in Leipzig

Community prayer, the family, the youth, and a series of lectures providing an opportunity for ecumenical and interreligious sharing are at the centre of the third day of work of the 100th Katholikentag that is taking place in Leipzig until May 29th. Particularly active is the Salesian family, in its different configurations, with large space dedicated to the recreational formation of young people, according to the teachings of St John Bosco. Games and educational activities on hospitality and freedom of expression are being held in a number of public squares and churches. There is also a detailed programme dedicated to relations with the Reformed Churches, Judaism and Islam, notably including the conference entitled “Are we all equals? – A dialogue between Christians, Jews, and Muslims”, and a historical debate on the role of Catholics at the time of the former Democratic Republic of Germany (“between adaptation, exclusion and opposition”). Then a vast range of events dedicated to new social and ecclesial needs: the role of women in the Church, relations with the divorced and remarried, and the presence of non-marginalised lesbians and gays in the community. The main focus of discussion yesterday was on the relations between believers and non-believers and between Western and Eastern Germans 25 years after the reunification of Germany. Speaking at a conference, Caritas Germany Director Ulrike Kostka said that “Germans in the East and in the West should learn to respect one another’s history”.

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