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Austria: new pastoral guide to the catechumenate of adults

The number of adults asking to be baptised in Austria is constantly on the rise. Specifically, there has been an increase in the number of migrants and asylum seekers seeking full acceptance into the Catholic Church in Austria. In response to this trend, the Austrian Bishops’ Conference (ÖBK) has published a new guide containing “pastoral guidelines for the catechumenate” with a view to setting common standards of quality for the transmission of faith. The guide includes indications about the preparation for Baptism, as well as a document first issued in February 2015 setting “the guidelines for the catechumenate of asylum seekers”. It is estimated that some 300 adults have begun the catechumenate, a figure that takes into account the rise in the number of migrants and refugees, who now account for about 70% of the total. Accompanying catechumens coming different cultures requires particular attention, for they are introduced to topics such as sexuality, the understanding of freedom or belonging to a faith community: the guide specifies that “it is important for the Church to carefully verify the authenticity of the reasons behind the catechumenate and to pay attention to the strict implementation of the time needed”. Since conversion to Christianity may facilitate the asylum procedure, any simplification of the integration process should be studied carefully in order to avoid sham baptisms.

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