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EU Parliament: King of Holland Willem-Alexander speaks up. Energy union and digital market on the agenda at the plenary meeting

(Brussels) The King of Holland, Willem-Alexander, will give the opening address at the plenary meting of the European Parliament in the Brussels premises today in the afternoon. The King of Netherlands has already been in the Brussels Parliament’s premises and met president Martin Schulz on November 3rd 2015, before the Netherlands took the presidency of the EU Cabinet, on January 1st 2016. During this eighth European Parliament, four heads of state have spoken at a plenary meeting before: Felipe VI, King of Spain, Italian President Sergio Mattarella, Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves, and Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. At the plenary meeting, which will go on until tomorrow, items on the agenda will include the EU-USA data transfer under the new “Privacy Shield”. The agreement between the two sides of the Atlantic aims at protecting the privacy of the European citizens whose personal details are only transferred to the United States for commercial purposes; this item will be discussed in Parliament with the Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bert Koenders (as president on duty of the EU), and with commissioner Věra Jourová. A non-bonding resolution on such agreement, which will replace the old “Safe Harbour”, will be voted on tomorrow. Other items on the agenda include the energy union and the digital single market.

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