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Austria: Evangelical and Orthodox communities congratulating the new Federal President

In a release of the evangelical news service, Protestant Bishop Michael Bunker congratulated “on the choice of Alexander Van der Bellen, with due respect for his opponent, Norbert Hofer”. At the same time, the bishop thanked all those who went to vote: the bishop points out that “the high turnout proves that Austrians are aware of their responsibilities and have made a responsible choice on the future of our country”. By choosing “Alexander Van der Bellen, his efforts for a better integration of Europe has been chosen”, Bunker said, and “this is good, because the Protestant Churches have been working for years for the future of the European project based on human rights”. Orthodox Metropolitan Arsenios Kardamakis too congratulated the Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen “on his election, on behalf of the Orthodox Christians in Austria”. Arsenios wishes the new President may be a “strong unifying character for our country”, because “the stalemate of the political forces that have ruled the country for decades have now found their current expression in a social polarisation, which is worrying from a Christian perspective”. According to the Metropolitan, “Austria needs important reforms in employment, education, social affairs and inclusion, and in this awkward situation the new president will have to be a strong unifying character”.

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