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Churches in Europe: CEC and CCEE Presidents met in London to strengthen and plan future cooperation

The presidents and general secretaries of the Conference of European Churches (CEC) and the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE) met in London today to discuss issues of common concern and plan for upcoming joint initiatives. Presidents Rev Christopher Hill (CEC) and Cardinal Péter Erdő (CCEE) were joined by CEC General Secretary Fr Heikki Huttunen and CCEE Secretary General Mgr Duarte da Cunha at Church House, the headquarters of the Church of England. “The meeting – a joint statement reads – gave the presidents an opportunity to discuss ecumenical issues in Europe, and evaluate the longstanding cooperation between CEC and CCEE. They reaffirmed their commitment to this important relationship and looked forward to the next meeting of the CEC-CCEE Joint Committee”. The meeting is foreseen for early 2017 and will focus on the safeguarding of creation and freedom of religion.
The statement reports that throughout today’s meeting, “the presidents also discussed the importance of current conflicts and challenges affecting” the work of CEC and CCEE. Discussion touched on the “situation of refugees and migrants in Europe, peace and conflict in the Middle East, and cooperation within and beyond the EU”.
The meeting ended with a meal at the invitation of Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster and president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales.

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