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Germany: Bishops invite faithful to 100th anniversary of Katholikentag in Leipzig

The Bishops of Germany have issues an invitation to all those who seek an opportunity for dialogue and reflection to mark the 100th anniversary of the Katholikentag (the Catholic Days for Germans, celebrated every other year) taking place in Leipzig from 25 to 29 May 2016. “For over 160 years, the Katholikentag has been a reflection of the life in our Church, one that is at the same time colourful and varied, serious and joyful, both spiritually and politically. At the heart of these Catholic Days is the awareness and conviction that people need our concrete solidarity and works of charity”. In the document, which points to the event’s title “Behold the man”, the Bishops stress the importance of joining in the celebrations in Leipzig – “a big, young, modern, commercial, and cultural city where Christian Catholics are a vibrant minority”. Indeed, many faithful from the Diocese of Dresden-Meissen, to which Leipzig belongs, have contributed with dedication to the organisation of the 100th anniversary of the Katholikentag. In its document, the German Bishops’ Conference also invites the faithful to a special collection during the Masses on 21-22 May: “Many of us already know we will participate in the celebrations. But even those who cannot attend will be able to show their concrete support through a generous donation or prayer”.

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