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Pope Francis: audience, Lazarus is “the silent cry of the poor” in a world where “an immense wealth is in the hands of the few”

“Lazarus represents the silent cry of the poor of all ages and the paradox of a world where immense wealth and resources are in the hands of the few”. Pope Francis said this in today’s general audience catechesis, commenting on the Parable of the rich man and Lazarus. “The lives of these two people seem to unfold in parallel: they are totally different and do not have anything in common”, Pope Francis began. “The door of the rich man’s house is always closed to the poor who lies there, outside, longing to eat the scraps that fall from the rich man’s table. The rich man wears luxury clothes while Lazarus is covered with sores; the rich man holds a sumptuous banquet every day while Lazarus is dying from hunger. Only dogs take care of him: they come and lick his sores”. “This scene – the Pope remarked, citing from the Gospel of Matthew – reminds us of the harsh words of the Son of Man in the final judgment: ‘For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, naked and you gave me no clothing”.

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