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Netherlands: “Hope for the Church in Syria and Iraq”, a campaign against persecution of minorities in the Middle East

“Hope for the Church in Syria and Iraq”, a campaign launched on 1st February 2016 by the Dutch Church Council in partnership with the Dutch Conference of Religious Orders to “draw attention to the disastrous situation in Syria and Iraq, especially that of Christians and other minorities”, is about to end, the promoters explain. The initiative is targeted first and foremost to the members of the Churches, so that they become aware of this tragedy and “bring their concerns into their preaches and prayers, on social media and public debates”. A survey conducted on a sample of 2,370 people at the start of the campaign showed that only 26% of Dutchmen know that Christians are being persecuted. Such proportion rises to 60% in the Christian community (90% in the Orthodox one). The campaign also provides suggestions and materials, to be used in the liturgies of 22nd May; two nights “awake to pray for the persecuted Church”, on 27th and 28th May, an educational meeting in Den Bosch on 2nd June with sister Yose Höhne-Sparborth telling her real-life experience about priests and nuns in Northern Iraq and cooperation with Muslims. The metropolitan of the Dutch archdiocese of the Syrian Orthodox Church, Mor Polycarpus, and leaders of the Dutch churches will be at the official closing of the campaign in Amsterdam on 4th June.

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