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EU Parliament: agreement on parental leave. A call to protect the parents’ role

Strasburgo: l'europarlamentare belga Maria Arena

(Strasbourg) “Framework agreement on parental leave”: this is the title of the report of Belgian MEP Maria Arena, that has been voted on today at the plenary session of the European Praliament. The purpose of the bill is to give a consistent, well-organised legal framework to the topic, since in the last few decades the European Union “has implemented two regulations on parental leave”, which are by now obsolete, “about maternity leave and parental leave”, partly in the light of the fact that “the legal framework in the member states” in this respect is “complex”: “in other words – Arena explained – one could say that right now national legislations provide for three types of leave: maternity, paternity and parental leave”. So here’s a report, generally well accepted by the MEPs, that implements an agreement between the European trade associations (employees’ and employers’ associations) and repeals the previous EC Directive 96/34/EC. One of the strengths of this bill is that at “Recital K” it emphasises a connection between parental leave and not only “gender equality” and women’s access to the work world, but also parental responsibilities. It states: “As well as ensuring gender equality and women’s access to employment, parental leave should enable parents to optimally respond to their parental responsibilities”.

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