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Albanian Bishops: statement on justice reform in Albania

Albanian Bishops encourage to go on with the reform of justice, and urge all the supporters of such reform to accomplish it. In a statement issued last night, the Albanian Bishops Conference, gathered in its plenary assembly, takes position on one of the issues that are taking centre stage in the country’s public debate: the reform of justice, which will also bring in some changes in the Constitution. “The need for justice – the Bishops point out – is inherent in men and in society. That’s why, as shepherds of the flock entrusted to us and having the good of the flock and all the country at heart, we encourage such reform. Albanians are entitled to have a fair society, and those who hold public offices must have a sense of responsibility and justice”. The Bishops, as explained to SIR by don Gjergj Meta, director of the communication service, “point to two questions, above all”. Firstly, “the reform must make sure that in the future there will no longer be anyone who is nominated or elected or even appointed to governmental positions who have a criminal past or have been involved in corruption businesses”. Secondly, “the reform – in the point of the Constitution that concerns the non discrimination of people, which is also supported by the Catholic Church in Albania – must by no means infringe the law of the family, which for us Christians is the family based on the marriage of a man and a woman”. In this connection, the Bishops quote what Pope Francis wrote in the post-synod Apostolic Exhortation “Amoris laetitia”: “Only the exclusive and inseparable union of a man and a woman serves a full social function, as it is a stable commitment and as it makes fecundity possible. We must acknowledge the great variety of family situations that can provide a certain rule of life but civil or same-sex unions for example cannot be simplistically equated to marriage. No unstable union and no union that is closed to the transmission of life can give society a future” (n.52).

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