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Religious freedom: Jàn Figel (EU), “a litmus test for human rights and fundamental rights”

(Brussels) “Religious freedom is a litmus test for human rights and fundamental rights. Where there’s no religious freedom, usually there’s no civil and political freedom either”. This is the belief of Jàn Figel, a Slovakian politician just appointed by the European Commission “Special Envoy for the promotion of freedom of religion or belief outside the European Union”. In an interview with SIR, just settled in Brussels, he explains: “Understanding, respect and support of freedom of religion or belief are a prerequisite for a more humane world in the XXI century”. Figel was EU Commissioner for education, training, culture and youth in the five years from 2004 to 2009; now, he has taken office at first for one year. What contribution can religions make to dialogue between nations and the issue of peace? He answers: “Faith and religion live inside man. And the same applies to freedom of doubting or not believing. In dialogue, we look for answers, and we find them. Because dialogue is more than two monologues. While a monologue just confirms and makes demands, only dialogue develops and builds mutual relationships – between people, communities, religions, nations”.

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