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Pope Francis: audience, reading the parable of the merciful Father from “the end”. “How much tenderness” in the father!

Addressing some 20,000 faithful present in St Peter’s Square today, Pope Francis gave a reading of the parable of the Prodigal Son starting “from the end, that is, from the joy in the heart of the Father” who says: “let us celebrate with a feast, because this son of mine was dead, and has come to life again; he was lost, and has been found”. “With these words – the Pope explained – the Father interrupted the younger son who was about to confess his fault”: “I no longer deserve to be called your son…”. These words are “unacceptable to the heart of the Father, who is quick in returning to his son the signs of his dignity: the finest robe, the ring, the sandals”. “Jesus does not describe an offended and resentful father, one who says: you will pay for this!”. “No! – Pope Francis continued off the cuff –, the father embraces him, awaits him with love. The only thing that truly matters to the father is that his son is there, in front of him, safe and sound. This makes him happy, and he celebrates with a feast!”. For the Pope, “the return of the son is described in moving words”: “While he was still a long way off, his father caught sight of him, and was filled with compassion. He ran to his son, embraced him and kissed him”. “How much tenderness!”, he remarked. “The fact that he caught sight of him while he was still a long way off tells us that he was still waiting for him, from a vantage point. He was waiting for him, it’s a beautiful thing this tenderness of the Father! The mercy of the Father is overflowing, unconditional, and it is shown even before the son begins to speak”. Of course, the son knows he was wrong, he acknowledges that: “I have sinned… treat me as one of your hired workers. But these words vanish before the father’s forgiveness”.

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