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EU Parliament: European asylum system and Schengen on the agenda. MEPs against liberalisation of Turkish visas

(Strasbourg) After dealing in the morning with the changes in the operational regulations of the European Police Office (Europol) in order to extend its efforts against terrorism and in support of people’s safety, in the afternoon the European Parliament will be addressing the European asylum system and the reinstatement of Schengen, now that several member states have reinstated temporary border controls. Items on the agenda include the liberalisation of EU visas for Turkish citizens, which is strongly opposed to by the MEPs. EU Commissioners Frans Timmermans and Dimitris Avramopoulos, and members of the Dutch presidency on duty, will be there too. “The MEPs will first consider the EU Commission’s idea of revising the Dublin regulations, which – the EU Assembly’s spokespeople point out – establish which country is responsible for reviewing the asylum applications. “In the corridors of the European Assembly, people are also talking about the British referendum on Brexit and the domestic political situation in Turkey, after Prime Minister Davutoglu has “been made to resign” – as rumours are increasingly suggesting – by president Erdogan. That’s partly why the matter of the liberalisation of Turkish visas is at a standstill: any measure for such liberalisation will have to be decided as a joint procedure by the EU Parliament and the EU Commission. And for the moment the EU Parliament is against it.

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