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Immigration: Mr Sassoli (EU Parliament), “pressing need for a mission to Idomeni refugee camp”. Situation more and more unbearable

David Maria Sassoli è l'unico italiano candidato alla presidenza del Parlamento europeo

(Strasbourg) “The European Parliament should visit the Idomeni refugee camp in Greece as soon as possible to assess the humanitarian conditions of thousands of migrants and refugees”. This proposal comes from the Vice-President of the European Parliament, David Sassoli. The EP is holding its plenary session in Strasbourg (until 12 May), which is seen by the MEP as a good opportunity to raise the alarm. Taking the floor yesterday, he addressed the Chamber saying: “Today is Europe Day, but for many citizens, families and children who are guests on our continent, this is no day to celebrate. In too many refugee camps, conditions are unbearable; it is difficult to distribute food and medicines, and there are poor sanitary conditions. Hence the pressing need for the European Parliament to dispatch a special mission to refugee camps”. Mr. Sassoli outlined his proposal in an interview with SIR: “We have heard alarming reports” from Idomeni. “Refugee camps are being militarized and life there is becoming even more unbearable”. According to the vice-president, there are reposts of voluntary associations being prevented from delivering humanitarian aid on the ground. This may be an attempt to discourage the presence of migrants. Mr Sassoli also revealed that just before “leaving the Chamber, the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, said he agreed with the proposal of an official mission to assess the real situation on the ground and report back to the Parliament”.

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