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Slovakia: 8th edition of “Silent heroes” project starting

(Bratislava) – “Women and girls against totalitarianism” is the title of the eighth edition of the project “Silent Heroes”, starting these days in Slovakia, organized by the civil association Invisible Heroes along with the Museum of Crimes and Victims of Communism, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, and other partners. “Our general aim is to awaken the interest of students from basic and secondary schools in the recent history of our country, particularly the history under the reign of communism, with special attention to all unknown heroes of those times”, explains the initiator of the idea, Frantisek Neupauer. Since the project was launched, 261 students have recorded and described the stories of 112 people unjustly condemned and persecuted by the totalitarian system. “Their destinies often get lost in some kind of nostalgic memories of the ‘good old times’”. People tend to forget suffering and the lack of freedom, and we believe that it is extremely important to motivate especially young people to look at examples of bravery in the past. Knowing history helps to avoid making the same mistakes”, concludes Frantisek Neupauer. Along with the contest of students’ works on the topic of “the silent heroes”, the project organizer is planning several events in various regions of Slovakia. In June, there will be a memorial meeting with women – former prisoners of conscience – in Zeliezovce. And in September, a conference entitled “Woman against totalitarian regimes” will take place in Bratislava. For more information:

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