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Migration: Timmermans (EU Commission), “the refugee crisis has revealed the weaknesses of the asylum system”. Proposals for reform

Bruxelles, 6 aprile: il primo vicepresidente della Commissione Ue, Frans Timmermans

(Brussels) – “Several options”: it is the strategy chosen by the European Commission to open a “serious debate” in the EU premises to reform the asylum system, “which is not working”, as it places all of the burden and responsibility for migration flows on the countries that are exposed to external borders, especially Greece and Italy. That’s why, by submitting a set of proposals, the European Commission “is starting to reform the common European asylum system (Ceas) with several options for a sustainable, fair sharing of asylum seekers among the member states; more harmonised asylum rules and procedures to create consistent conditions all over Europe and reduce, therefore, the factors of attraction, so as to defeat illegal secondary flows; strengthening the role of the European Asylum Support Office (Easo)”. In the meantime, the European Commission “is working at measures that may provide safe, well-organised procedures for legal migration to Europe and announces that in the future it will also come up with a EU-wide integration policy. The first deputy president, Frans Timmermans, states: “The refugee crisis has revealed the weaknesses of the common European asylum system. There’s no doubt: people who need protection must still be helped and should not have to put their lives in the hands of migrant smugglers. But the current system is not sustainable”.

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