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Migration: Avramopoulos (EC Commission), “Revising the asylum system” beyond Dublin and “safe borders”

Bruxelles, 6 aprile: Frans Timmermans e Dimitris Avramopoulos (foto SIR/CE)

(Brussels) – “The inflows/outflows system will make border management more modern by improving the quality and effectiveness of border controls and will help the member states cope with increasing inflows/outflows in the EU”. Today, the European Commission submitted an initiative “to speed up, ease and strengthen border control procedures for third-country citizens heading for the EU”. It is a hot topic, especially in the light of what is happening at the borders and by sea between Turkey and Greece. But EU-wide political and regulatory proceedings take time and diplomacy. So Migration Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos explained – with deputy president Frans Timmermans by his side – that the asylum system will be assumedly revised, “because, as it is, it doesn’t work”. “Asylum seekers need to be shared among all member states” (which means revising the Dublin system) and “border controls need to be strengthened”. All this requires “EU-wide cooperation”. In practice, the EU Commission submitted a European bill of law that is part of a “broader” “smart borders” package and that “defines the role of information systems to improve border control, internal security, and anti-terrorism and -organised crime strategies”. When the EU Commission has made the bill formal, it will go through the EU Council and the EU Parliament.

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