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Germany: 4-metre tall Holy Door in Bonn. Message in 11 languages, “Mercy makes all the difference”

A special Holy Door has been installed in front of the entrance to Bonn’s Cathedral. “Mercy makes all the difference”, written in eleven different languages, is the motto of this Jubilee Door, on which people may read, in addition to a sentence by Pope Francis and a sentence by cardinal Reiner Maria Woelki, 33 answers and stories of people who, during Lent, wrote what mercy meant for them. The door, which is 4 metres high and 2 metres deep, is also covered with passages from the Scriptures. “One feels called to come in and read what is written on there”, says a passer-by in the video posted on the website of the diocese of Cologne. “With this Door, we want to honour God’s Mercy”, explains the parish priest of the cathedral, monsignor Wilfried Schumacher, speaking of the medieval doors crossed by noblemen and princes, “and the people who experience mercy”. “For me, mercy is taking a refugee to play football”, is one of the messages. This special Holy Door will stay in place until the Feast of Corpus Christi. The Holy Door opened by cardinal Woelki for the diocese of Cologne-Bonn on December 8th 2015 is in Cologne Cathedral, instead.

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