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Ccee: book on university pastoral service in Europe. A foreword by card. Grocholewski

“Being and becoming responsible in life. The university pastoral service in Europe”: the new book by Ccee was presented at a conference on the university pastoral service that is taking place in Hungary. Published by Vatican publisher Lev, the book collects the proceedings of the Conference that took place in Lodz from 16th to 19th April 2015. In the foreword, card. Zenon Grocholewski writes: “One of the vital and very important dimensions of the pastoral service is certainly the one that is generally known as university service… It mainly concerns students and teachers but it also concerns other people working in universities. For the former, it is about the time of their intellectual and human development so that they can play a role in the future”. “If such development were only reduced to scientific-professional education, as it often happens nowadays, and if it were not an integral one – one that includes, that is, the ethical-moral, spiritual and affective dimensions, critical skills, the integration with other dimensions of learning, in view of a full human development –, it would not be fit for educating people who make a contribution to the real progress of mankind, that is, people who can make society fairer, more peaceful and more human”. The book (with texts in Italian, English and Polish) has been edited by the deputy secretary of Ccee, father Michel Remery. But these are not just “conference proceedings”, Ccee reports, it is “a dense, accurate reflection on being and becoming responsible in the life of university students, in one’s relation with oneself, with other people, and with God”.

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