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Serbia: Krastev (political analysts), “after the vote, the walk to the EU goes on. But the real problem is poverty”

The official results of last Sunday’s early legislative election in Serbia confirm the expected win of the Progressive Party (Sns) led by the popular pro-European Prime Minister, Alexander Vucic. With 48.25% of votes, the Progressive Party will have about 130 of the 250 seats in Serbia’s one-house Parliament. The Socialist Party, so far the Progressive Party’s ally, follows far below, with 11% of votes, while Serbia’s Radical party, led by anti-European nationalist Vojislav Seselj, acquitted on first instance by the Hague Court for the 90s war events, takes third place. Another four political groups take seats in Serbia’s Parliament with approximately 5% of votes. The turnout was 56.34%. “Vucic’s winning means that the walk to Europe will go on – Nikolay Krastev, political analysts and journalist, comments with SIR – even if the Progressive Party wanted to exceed 50%”. “Seselj’s comeback after eight years out of Parliament will increase nationalist bombast, but I do not think this will have an impact on strategic choices. In his opinion, “Serbia will keep its place between Brussels and Moscow because of its economic and trade relations with Russia”. “The real threats – Krastev states – are poverty, unemployment and the lack of prospects for young people”. “Belgrade must change its entire civil service system, and painful economic reforms are expected”. “People see no quick solutions, the UE looks distant, and many Serbians are not sure this is the way to go”.

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