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Germany: Neher (Caritas), “immigrants’ integration is not a foregone conclusion. The bill of law is good”

In a notice signed by the national president, mgr. Peter Neher, Caritas Germany passes a positive opinion of the federal bill of law on immigration and integration, which will be voted on by the Bundestag on May 24th. “Integration will be one of the key political issues in the next few years – stated Neher –. Therefore we welcome the fact that, with such planned law on integration, politics is giving out a positive message”. According to Neher, “integration is not a foregone conclusion but requires a lot of energy of immigrants and society at large”. According to the prelate, the expected improvements in the compulsory study of German and easy access to the job market for asylum seekers, with an increase in protective factors, are very positive. Caritas also points out thatthe “Foerdern und Fordern” project (Support and Ask) makes vocational training easier for asylum seekers who come from war zones. “The bill of law alone is not enough for this”, explains Neher, who calls everyone to work out effective forms of intercultural opening and equal education.

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