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Cardinal Tagle: appeal to leaders on forced migrants, “no to walls, meet the sufferers”

A call to political leaders, “in the name of forced migrants, specially old people, sick people and children: try to hear the sufferers’ voices. Touch the mothers’ hands, smell the families’ smells. Perhaps reality, which is bigger than ideas and ideological theories, may touch your hearts and consciences”: this is the strong call made today by cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, archbishop of Manila and president of Caritas internationalis, speaking to the press after his speech at the 38th conference of Diocesan Caritas agencies that is taking place in Sacrofano from 18th to 20th April. The problem of the refugees that are sent back from the European countries has been touched upon several times in his speech: “Sending back the refugees, the Pope said, is an act of war, another chapter in that world war – he mentioned –. Too often, the answers focus on the building of walls and barriers rather than bravely dealing with the causes of those events that one would want to fight, while it is easier to fight and seclude the effects”. “Outer walls – he specified – come from the inner walls of the thoughts and attitudes that come from fear, from a fear of the reality of world’s sufferings. We are scared of seeing the consequences of our wrong decisions, but we do not want to see the truth and, to protect ourselves, the answer is building walls in our hearts and minds, that turn into outer walls”.

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