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The Netherlands: Bishops’ Conference, “Dutch pilgrims to meet the Pope in Rome in November”

The Catholic Church in the Netherlands is excited at the news that Pope Francis will meet the Dutch pilgrims in Rome on 15 November. “Cardinal Eijk, on behalf of all Dutch pilgrims, had submitted a request to Pope Francis to be the main celebrant at the Eucharistic celebration for the ‘Dutch Day’ in Rome”, a statement from the Bishops’ Conference explains. “Although this request could not be granted, the news that the Pope will have a chance to speak with the Dutch pilgrims at the end of the Mass was welcomed with joy”. A pilgrimage to Rome for the Jubilee of Mercy has long been on the agenda of the Dutch Association of Catholic Organisations (VKMO), but now that the news of the meeting with the Pope has stirred new interest, more individual dioceses may want to join. Over 10,000 people are expected to attend. The celebration on 15 November will be presided over by Card. Willelm Eijk, Archbishop of Utrecht and President of the Dutch Bishops’ Conference, and concelebrated by all Dutch Bishops. “We are glad and grateful that Pope Francis has promised to meet us in Rome. This is a further reason for us to be excited and joyful about our trip. I hope that many more faithful will join the various pilgrimages from The Netherlands to meet together Christ’s Vicar on earth”, said Card. Eijk.

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