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Ukraine: contest to support religious tourism on occasion of Country’s Independence Jubilee

(Bratislava) – Ukraine is famous for its monuments and history, spiritual culture, and museum collections of sacred and modern art. In order to draw attention to the sacred and cultural heritage of the country, to support the development of religious tourism and to mark the 25th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence, a report contest has just been launched about religious and local history. Journalists, historians, ethnographers, travellers, art historians and other people who think they have a talent for unusual and original writing, for describing events and historical and contemporary moments associated with religious life in Ukraine, are invited to participate in the project initiated by the Religious Information Service of Ukraine. “Your materials must give the readers of your article, report, essay, or viewers of your photo stories, the impression that they themselves have visited the site or the monument, or have witnessed the event, and instil in them the desire to see them in person”, explain the organizers of the contest. The best pictures and written works will be published on the website dedicated to religious tourism. The only requirement for participation is that the works must not have been published before. The contest officially began on 4 April and the deadline for sending the materials is 14 August 2016.

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