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Pope Francis: Audience, “Jesus was not afraid to speak with sinners, publicans, prostitutes”

“Jesus was not afraid to speak with sinners, publicans, prostitutes. He was not afraid, He loved everyone!”. Pope Francis said this off the cuff, commenting on the Gospel account of the calling of Matthew. He recalled that “although the Pharisees refuse to sit at the table with guests that they only see as sinners, Jesus, by contrast, reminds them that they too are invited to God’s banquet”. In other words, “sitting at the table with Jesus means being transformed and saved by Him”. “In the Christian community, Jesus’ table is twofold”, Pope Francis said. “There is the table of the Word and the table of the Eucharist”. “These are the medicines by which our divine Doctor heals us and nourishes us”, he remarked. “With the first – His Word – He reveals Himself and invites us to a dialogue between friends. His Word penetrates in us and, like a scalpel, works deeply within us to free us from the evil present in our lives”. “Sometimes this Word is painful because it exposes hypocrisy, unmasks false excuses, and brings hidden truths to light”, the Pope admitted. “But at the same time, it illuminates and purifies us, gives us strength and hope, and is a much-needed tonic on our journey of faith”. As for the Eucharist, it “nourishes us with the very life of Christ and, as a powerful remedy, in a mysterious way, it continuously renews the grace of our Baptism”.

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