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Migration: Tusk (UEU), “the agreement with Turkey is not perfect, it depends on the way it is enforced”. “Now, solidarity with Italy and Malta”

Donald Tusk

(Strasbourg) “The agreement with Turkey is certainly not perfect”, but, “in politics, feasible, not ideal, solutions must be found to respond to problems”. From the Strasbourg premises of the European Parliament, Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, explains his view of the refugee crisis. He does not hide his own doubts about the agreement entered into on March 18th with Ankara about “illegal migrants” going back to the EU based on the “one for one” principle (for each migrant sent back from Greece to Turkey, a Syrian refugee rehomed in the EU), which includes funds (now 3 billion, another 3 by 2018) to the Turkish government to take in refugees in a dignified manner. “In January – Tusk adds –, I had stated, here, that we had only two months’ time to take action and save Schengen. We moved in three directions: border control, massive aids to Greece to assist the refugees, sending illegal migrants back to where they came from, Turkey”. But “this is not enough”: while the agreement is not the best ever, “it all depends on the way it is enforced”. Tusk adds: “After closing down the Balkan route”, we must look back “to the Central Mediterranean route. We must get ready to show solidarity with Italy and Malta”.

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