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Ukraine: exhibition on underground times of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church opens in Lviv

The Institute of Church History in Lviv unveils the exhibition entitled “Into the light of the Resurrection through the Thorns of Catacombs”, presenting the crucial moments of the history of the underground movement of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC). Its core consists of crucial documents of the Institute and the State archives, personal testimonies and memories of members of the underground movement, as well as pictures from private collections, showing the life stories of the clergy and lay people, each of them having a unique human fate. “Together, they represent evidence of a deep Christian faith and unbending loyalty to the Church and the nation”, explain the initiators of the project. Chronologically, the exhibition covers the period from 1939 to 1991, illustrating three important stages in the tragic yet heroic history of the Church in the twentieth century: its violent liquidation, underground life and legalization in 1989. “With this exhibition, the Institute of Church History expresses gratitude to all known and unknown martyrs and confessors of the faith, whose lives contributed to the revival, renewal and enrichment of the UGCC on Ukrainian territory”, says Svitlana Hurkina, director of the Institute. The exhibition is open until 18 March 2016.

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