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EU Parliament: Grandi (UN), “Migrants, a threat? No, they are threatened people. And many women and children are among them”

Strasburgo, 8 marzo: l'intervento di Filippo Grandi (Onu) al Parlamento europeo

(Strasbourg) – “There are politicians in Europe who speak of migrants as of a threat. In fact, people leave their homeland just because they are threatened, by violence, by war, by hunger. And a large part of them are women and children”. Since January 1st, Filippo Grandi has been the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. He has been invited to the European Parliament’s headquarters to speak of the situation of refugee women, the subject of today’s International Women’s Day. So, he stops outside Parliament to meet the international press, to which he voices his concerns, once again. “There are 60 million refugees across the world”, “people” – and he emphasises such word – who are looking for peace, dignity, rights, work. He says that about 40 thousand people set off walking every day, “many of them coming to Europe: about one million one them in 2015”. Grandi explains why they leave their homeland, how they get to the EU, how they are received. “Women and children are those most exposed to unprincipled human traffickers” and experience “all sorts of abuse, sexual exploitation, economic exploitation. Because of all this, we must take measures to protect human rights, by giving refugees safe, legal ways”. A subject that will be discussed, he explains, under the aegis of the UN in Geneva on March 30th.

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