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Poland: mgr. Libera (Diocese of Plock), collection for the poor is “answer to hope in human heart”

“The Good Friday collection is the answer to the hope in the human heart”, Mgr Piotr Libera, ordinary of the diocese of Plock, Poland, wrote in a letter to the faithful, encouraging them to “show charity and solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the faith in the Middle East”. The money raised during the celebration of the Lord’s Passion will go to the Holy See which will then use these funds to finance charitable and educational activities. According to the latest statistics, 80% of Poles have supported the most needy in 2015. 64% of them have contributed money to various charitable activities, while 58% have donated material goods, such as clothing and books, to the most disadvantaged. One adult Pole in six has worked pro bono for charitable causes at least once over the last year. Statistics show that over the past three years, the commitment of people to supporting the poorest in Poland has remained largely unchanged, and is higher than in the years 2007-2012. The commitment of citizens, not just material, to local communities is also on the rise. Before Easter, Caritas Poland collected 451 tonnes of food for 71,000 people in need. The collection was made by over 20,000 volunteers from parishes and schools all across Poland.

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