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Attacks in Brussels: messages from bishops of Netherlands, Luxemburg, Austria and Scandinavian countries

“Dutch bishops urge prayer for the victims” of terror attacks at Brussels airport and Maelbeek metro, “for the wounded, for the families and friends of the victims, as well as for all the Belgians having to face deeds of hate and violence by terrorists”: it is the message made known by Netherlands bishops, expressing unity in prayer with Belgian brother bishops. On the other hand, Archbishop of Luxemburg Jean Claude Hollerich immediately asked the Catholic communities of the Grand Duchy to include a special prayer intention – published in six languages on the site of the archdiocese – in the rites of the Holy Friday. A common prayer was also proposed by Finnish bishop Teemu Sippo: in his grief message, he “firmly condemned violence in any kind of protest or in claiming political power”. “Hate shall not prevail”, said Archbishop of Vienna Christoph Schönborn. “In Brussels – said the Cardinal – attackers hit the people in the city as well as Europe on the whole”, and he called for “cautiousness and determination” in finding the proper response against the “most abyssal evil” emerging in the attacks on the values of the European community. The Austrian Liturgical Commission published a Holy Friday special prayer for persecuted Christians and victims of terrorism.

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