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Czech Republic: Easter Festival of spirituality and culture in Olomouc

(Bratislava) – “Paschalia Olomucensia” is the title of a unique Easter project that began yesterday in the Archdiocese of Olomouc. A series of exhibitions, concerts, Bible readings and other activities will be taking place until 11 April to draw attention to the “spiritual and cultural values of Europe” and to celebrate the entrance of Good Friday into the list of state holidays in the Czech Republic. The country joins several European states like Germany, Austria, Slovakia or Scandinavian countries where Good Friday is a work-free day. The first days of Paschalia Olomucensia are dedicated to a 24-hour reading of the Holy Scripture – a tradition that sees the participation of various representatives from the political, academic and social worlds. An exhibition about “the Bible yesterday, today and tomorrow” was unveiled at St. Michael’s Church in Olomouc yesterday evening. Visitors will be able to see precious items, including engravings by Gustav Dore, historical documents and paintings. A special screening of the movie “The Passion of Christ” by Mel Gibson is planned for Good Friday at the Metropol Cinema, and the whole project will culminate on 11 April with the oratory “The Gospel according to the Violin” by Pavel Helebrand, inspired by a Easter Passion play. For more information:

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