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Poland: first bioethical counselling centre in Krakow. Fr. Muszala, Church as “field hospital”

The first bioethical counselling centre dedicated to those “needing special assistance in dealing with problems relating to the beginning, continuation and end of life” has opened its doors in Krakow, Poland. The centre, founded by the Institute of Bioethics of the John Paul II University, will give advice on “how to heal the wounds caused by abortion or alleviate the suffering of those who cannot have children”, says Fr. Andrzej Muszala, head of the new facility. The priest recalls Pope Francis’ remarks about the Church as “a field hospital”, stressing “the need to treat the wounds”. The coordinator of the project, Justyna Gajos, would like the centre to be used mainly by “people who have experienced difficulties in conceiving”, those with an unfavourable prenatal diagnosis, and those “who are concerned about having to decide the fate of frozen embryos” in the IVF process. The qualified personnel of the facility (doctors, nurses, pharmacists, lawyers), in line with the teaching of the Church, will provide Catholics and non-Catholics alike with ethical advice on transplantation, the treatment of terminally ill patients, and the legal implications of specific cases.

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