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Refugee crisis: EU, over 40 meetings in one year. A new summit in Brussels this week

(Brussels) Over 40 formal meetings and “high-level” decisional procedures in less than 12 months, to deal with the refugee crisis. A backward review of the EU’s agenda shows how complicated the situation is in Europe, just the week in which the heads of state and government of the 28 member states will be meeting in Brussels again to discuss the problem that has been put – along with the “European semester” and economic governance – on the agenda of the summit of 17th and 18th March. About 40 procedures, leaving out the routine meetings of the Council of MEPs or the plenary sessions of the European Parliament. The last, controversial, event was the meeting of the 28 leaders with Turkey, in the attempt to strengthen cooperation in the refugee crisis. As to the last few weeks, we can mention at least the EU Commission’s proposal to provide a support system when crises happen within the EU (700 million euros allocated over three years to take in refugees, mainly to be given to Greece). But the European Council had already met on 18th and 19th February (EU-Turkey plan; humanitarian aids to refugees in the Balkans; full implementation of crisis points; implementation of decisions about rehoming, repatriation and readmission; management of external borders; reinstatement of the normal operation of the Schengen area). The first urgent and unplanned meeting of the European Council about refugees dates back, instead, to 23rd April 2015.

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