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Migration: refugees, asylum, revision of Dublin Regulation and Turkey on the EU’s agenda

(Brussels) Once again, Europe’s week begins by dealing with the refugee crisis and economic governance. The European Council of 17th and 18th March is the most important meeting of the week, but the same issues – especially migration – will also be also addressed by the European Parliament and by the European Commission. And, of course, the results of the German election are read out in Brussels, partly in the light of migratory pressure and the response of the German Federal Government to the inflow of refugees. “The burden of the refugee crisis must be shared between all member states, while asylum applications must be dealt with according to the EU’s international treaties”, the European Parliament’s website says. “The European Parliament’s proposals to improve migration and European refugee policies, including the proposed establishment of a EU-wide central system to collect and allocate asylum applications, will be voted on by the Civil Rights Commission on Wednesday”. It would be an explicit attempt at overriding the Dublin Regulation. So, this week, “the MEPs will vote on the EU’s refugee rehoming and humanitarian visa systems. They will also have to assess the situation of human rights in Turkey”.

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