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Russia: “Go’s Brownies” in Novosibirsk make food for Caritas soup kitchen

The children of the oratory of Novosibirsk Cathedral, the “God’s Brownies” group, have been among the first to respond to the appeal of the two nuns who run Caritas’ St Nicholas’ soup kitchen, which is struggling to go on. Along with their staff, they made vegetable muffins and tarts for the poor of St Nicholas. “We were looking for a way to make them experience a charitable deed, feeding the hungry”, explained the group’s coordinator, Anna Zavadskaja, “and we were thinking of what to do to make something to eat for those who are in need”. The soup kitchen, which was opened in the suburbs of Novosibirsk on December 7th 2015, provides fifty hot meals a day, five days a week, to old people, disabled young people as well as families. Sometimes, it also offers a “takeaway” service: someone comes with lunchboxes and the nuns fill them up, because it is cheaper than public transport if the whole family has to go to the soup kitchen. The people who knock on that door are ex labourers and teachers, retired drivers and masons. On the pages of the “Sibirskaja Katoliceskaja Gaseta”, on 2nd March, the two nuns had asked for “little gestures of solidarity”: 100 roubles (about 1.20 euros) are enough to cover the cost of lunch for two people. The appeal made by St Nicholas’ soup kitchen has mobilised children and mums, who have cooked for a week. Yesterday morning, the vicar, don Andrea Duklevskij, took everything to the soup kitchen in his car.

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