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Reform of the Curia: Father Lombardi about C9, “work over” for the ministries of lay people-family-life and justice-peace-migration

“Work on the two ministries”, which bring together lay people-family-life and justice-peace-migration, “is over”. It has been announced by father Federico Lombardi, director of the Vatican Newsroom, at today’s briefing on the latest C9 meeting. The nine cardinals who support the Pope in the reform of the Curia have “gone on with the last, final reading of the proposed reform of the two ministries, and the final proposals have been given to the Pope”, the Vatican spokesman reported. A session of the C9 meeting, which started yesterday and lasted one and a half days, took its cue from the Pope’s speech of October 17th 2015, for the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Episcopal Synod. “At the previous meeting – Lombardi pointed out –, the cardinals of C9 had deemed that speech important, because it widely developed the topic of sinodality and the need to engage in a healthy decentralisation”. All issues, these ones, that become “central and relevant to the reform of the Curia as well”. Hence the C9’s decision to spend one session of these days’ meeting to “go deeper into” such speech, in the “belief that it is one of the basic documents that must be taken into account”, the director of the Vatican Newsroom explained.

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