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Pope Francis: to Capuchin friars, “the humble ones are great forgivers in the confessional”

“Your tradition is a tradition of forgiveness, of forgiving. There are many good confessors among you: it is because they feel like sinners, like our Father Cristoforo. They know they are big sinners, and, faced with God’s greatness, they pray all the time. ‘Listen, oh Lord, and forgive’. And, because they can pray this, they know how to forgive”. This the Pope’s greeting and tribute to the Capuchin friars from all over the world, to whom he dedicated today’s Mass in the Vatican Basilica, next to the remains of St Pio da Pietrelcina and St Leopold Mandic. “There are two attitudes in today’s liturgy”, Francis began: “An attitude of greatness before God that is expressed by King Salomon’s humbleness, and another attitude, one of meanness, that is described by Jesus Himself: as the doctors of the law used to do, that everything was neat and tidy, they left the law aside, but to make their small traditions”. “When people forget how they need to be forgiven, they slowly forget about God, they forget to ask for forgiveness and are unable to forgive”, warned the Pope, who exclaimed right after: “The humble ones, those who feel like sinners, are great forgivers in the confessional! The others, like these doctors of the law who feel they are the pure ones, ‘the masters’, are only able to condemn”.

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