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Slovakia: unique calvary for disabled persons built in Poprad

(Bratislava) – A unique Calvary has been built in Poprad in northern Slovakia. It measures only fifteen meters and is specially designed for physically disabled people. “There are many people in wheelchairs coming to this part of town who are unable to go to the traditional Calvary located on the hill. Yet, they desire to experience the mystery of crucifixion in a way as personal as possible during this Lenten time”, explains the initiator of the project, Julius Kovac, 78, who himself has difficulties in climbing the hill because of his age. In the past, Kvetnica in Poprad used to be a place for the medical treatment of lung disease, and has always been marked by a spirit of peace and regeneration of body and soul. “I am very glad that we have not forgotten the needs of the disabled and the elderly who come here in crowds. The project “Via Dolorosa” without barriers in the middle of nature is amazing. We hope it will meet the spiritual needs of seniors and physically disabled people, especially in this period of preparation for Easter”, says dean Ondrej Borsik.

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