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Poland: Renewal of spirit, special prayer’s day for children in Lodz

“Pray with All Your Being” is the title of the first Prayer Forum for children aged from 7 to 12. Today’s meeting in Lodz was set up by the Jesuit Spirit Renewal Group, in the biggest sports centre in the city. “During different activities, we want to teach children adoration and other kinds of prayer, to let them make friends with God, and know the living Church, open and full of joy”, say the organisers inviting classes, groups of children guided by catechists, as well as parents and children to take part in the special day. The programme specifically prepared for the youngest includes several team games and contests with prizes meant for “meeting the Lord with joy”. The Spirit Renewal Centre in Lodz has been launching evangelisation and training initiatives for adults for years, but this year, for the first time, it chose a day dedicated to the youngest only. Another initiative dedicated to them is scheduled in May, when they will be able to take part in special music workshops. Moreover, the Spirit Renewal Centre of Lodz provides evangelisation and discernment courses as well as spiritual exercises for adults.

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