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Belarus: archbishop Kondrusiewicz, “faithful cannot give testimony of religious and spiritual ignorance”

“In any conversion process, it is necessary to discern the faithful who understand the meaning of a sin and its consequences and the faithful who do not understand it or neglect its seriousness. Instead of repenting and praying for God’s forgiveness, the latter try to justify and downplay their own sinfulness”, writes Mgr. Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz, metropolitan archbishop of Minsk-Mogilev, in his Lenten pastoral letter. The prelate criticises the “double life” of Catholics who give a “testimony of religious and spiritual ignorance” by attending holy masses and leading a life devoid of real values at the same time. “We often think that we can do anything in our lives because God is distant and cannot see everything. But He can. He is patient and merciful. Through the Church and the signs of times, He constantly reminds us of our good and bad deeds”, reads the letter, inviting the faithful to be vigilant and listen to the Lord’s voice”. Mgr. Kondrusiewicz warns against the “moral relativism” which is so widespread in contemporary society. “We must realise in fullness that human beings cannot be the measure for morality and decide what is good and what is bad”, concludes the pastoral letter, emphasising that the highest norm of moral law is set by God and we should take it as a reliable guide in our everyday lives.

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